QNN 18. January 1978 (46), Tallinn, Estonia Was online about a week ago
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  • The aim of my registration on this site is friendshipflirtrelationship
  • Interested in girls
  • I speak estonian.
  • Yet to be answered
  • Yet to be answered
  • I don't smoke.
  • My religion is pastafarian.
  • 27.07.2016
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Total votes: 83

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Tallinn: 170th position
21.10.2018 00:01
His quizzes
  • Who would you like to pair with? The test will show who you see next to you
    • You are one of those who absolutely do not believe that friendship between a man and a woman exists. You have fallen in love with those people who were originally just More »
  • What do you most often depend on? Find out what is stronger than you?
    • You are an interesting and versatile person, communication with you may bring a lot [__ separator__] of pleasure. But there is one "BUT" - you are excessively ambitious and this irritates those around you. Also not always our desires, even if we put a lot of effort, are comparable to our capabilities, so try to stick to reality..
  • The dark side of your personality The test will show what your main flaw is
    • You never hold yourself back to making remarks to others, often not supported by any arguments. And you forget that by criticizing people you can offend them. And even if it happens that with your statements, you drive a person into complexes, this does not bother you much and you do not seek to apologize. As for yourself, if you hear non-flattering statements addressed to you, you immediately take offense and stop all communication with the offender. So you can dish it but really cannot take it...
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