31, Valga, Estonija

Find a guy who calls you. Beatiful instead of hot. Who calls you back, when you hang up on him. Wait for the boy who kissed your forehead. Who wants to show you off to the world, when you are in sweats. Who holds your hand in front of his friends. Who thinks, you are just a bretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding. you of how much he cares, and loves being with you, and how he's the luckiest guy in the world to have you. The one who turns to his friends and say's ''That's Her!''

NB! Kirjavigu ja keelevead, väga võimalik et need on:), jutt pole minu väljamõeldud , vaid kellegi kaustikust maha kirjutatud:)

Roheline näpp ja kommentaar;)

40 pregleda
mer10 23.10.2008

Njaaa... Hea jutt... :) Tegelt suht vähesed poisid on sellised juu :D

secretsport secretsport 23.10.2008

on jh , aga noh;)eks elu polegi lihtne:)

mer10 23.10.2008

njaa.. keegi ei ole öelnud, et elu peab olema lihtne :) aga võiks olla juu :D

secretsport secretsport 24.10.2008

võiks, aga ega selle vastu saa.

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