EVE Echoes will be launched in August as a derivative of EVE Online
37, Adakli, Turska

EVE Online is a PC-side game, and its derivative product EVE Echoes will also be launched on mobile devices. This is great news for players who want to build a universe empire on the go.

EVE Echoes will be officially launched in August, and the NetEase experience in EVE Online can be experienced by players on mobile phones. EVE Echoes will show up in front of players as a brand new faction. CCP Games and the developer NetEase Games made this great decision together.

Hilmar Veigar Pétursson, as the CEO of CCP Games, said in the live event that they have been cooperating with NetEase Games for three years, and they have also experienced many doubts, setbacks and tests together.

As a senior producer of NetEase games, Wei Su said that starting from December, EVE Echoes will have a public beta period that lasts for several months. Players can express their opinions as much as possible, which is very useful for the improvement and update of the game. Great help. For them, the EVE Echoes ISK For Sale real needs of the players are the most important thing. Because the team underestimated the number of players that would join in the early days, the server continued to crash for two days on the day of the public test.

Wei said that they passed a lot of tests and updates to update the server. Both EVE Echoes and EVE Online allow players to set up companies. Players can build and expand their empire in NetEase. The developers announced that while they will provide players with basic games, they can also have the same profit opportunities as EVE Online.

EVE Online cannot exchange account information with EVE Echoes, but the new functions of the ship shell and the new player base can be enjoyed at the same time, and explorers seeking a safe space can use the park. The new Yan-Jung faction brings a new story to the game.After EVE Echoes went online, players began to worry about how to get more EVE Echoes ISK in a short period of time. Don't worry, you can see many low-priced EVE Echoes ISK on the MMOWTS website. This is what you want, then you just need to click buy on https://www.mmowts.com/eve-echoes-isk.

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