My Thoughts
44, Tallinn, Εστονία

...Every girl grows up with fairy tales in her head, where the prince meets a princess and he whisks her off her feet and promises to take care of her. This is the happily ever after I was looking for. Something that I knew was out there somewhere for me and that there would be waiting, my prince charming too. I searched and I searched, but couldn’t seem to find him, and just when I had given up, there you were. You make all my dreams and fantasies come true. I love you more than you will ever know...

You are the reason why I can get up every morning with a smile on my face and a twinkle in my eyes. Since the day I met you every one wants to know about the reason behind my sunny disposition. Though I might smile and shrug them off, I know the truth is that I have you, which makes me feel so blessed and so alive. You are the reason why I feel like the sun is shining on me throughout the day and I love that feeling. Thank you for making all my dreams come true.


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