Strengthen the floor of individual brands
31, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Insiders pointed out that the market is extremely saturated and the upstream substrate prices continue to rise, China's wood flooring industry will face a major reshuffle of the industry. The future of the national wood flooring industry will have half, nearly a thousand wood flooring brands have disappeared from the market. Once the wood flooring market changes, the rest of the enterprise is bound to re-divide the outdoor flooring

Lack of resources highlights the contradiction Recently, the reporter noted that the price of natural wood flooring per square meter rose from 30 to 50 yuan last month, individual brands to strengthen the floor, although not as pure wood flooring, but also rose. "Solid wood flooring prices rose an average of 30% year on year, some timber merchants take the opportunity to drive up prices, individual scarcity of timber prices rose up to 70%."non slip commercial kitchen flooring for wood base

China Timber Circulation Association floor, vice chairman of the Board of Yang Meixin in the analysis of the reasons for floor prices, said China's production of wood flooring logs 80% rely on imports. At the same time, suitable for solid wood flooring raw material growth cycle is generally slow, difficult to keep up with the growth rate of harvesting demand, the global forest resources in short how to install wood railings to my wood steps outside

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